quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2011

Iha Tribunal Distrital Dili, “Jose Luis Guterres:”Hau Inusenti”

Jornal Nacional Diário - Kinta, 03 Marsu 2011

Dili-“Tribunal Distrital Dili, Kuarta (2/3) julga Vice Primeiru Ministru, Jose Luis Guterres ba kazu indikasaun abuzo de poder no korupsaun maibe Parlamentu seidauk suspende nia husi ninia kargu tan ne’e julgamentu adia ba fulan Abril mai.
“Ohin hau mai mos ho sentimentu bot teb-tebes katak, hau inusenti,”afirma vice Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres, hafoin tuir julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili.

Tuir Jose Luis, desizaun ne’ebe hau toma iha Ministru Negosiu Estrangeiros iha segundu governu konstitusional, Governu FRETILIN nian, desizaun ne’ebe nia toma ne’e tuir lei, diretu internasional no no tuir mos pratika Ministeriu Negosiu Estrangeiros nian.

“Hau laos deit mesak, fo an deit atu sai ministru Negosiu Estrangeiros, maibe Primeiru Ministru altura Jose Ramos Horta no Vice Primeiru Ministru mak konvida hau atu mai kaer knar hanesan Ministru Negosios Estrangeiros, maibe hau mos tempo ne’eba dehan, hau iha familia no labarik sira sei estuda, ne’ebe sujestaun mai husi sira kedas, laiha buat ida, Dr. Ana bele servisu iha misaun permanenete Timor Leste nian iha Nasoens Unidas, tamba labarik sira sei estuda,”koalia Jose Luis.

Jose Luis haktuir, sujestaun ida ne’e mai rai Timor Leste, prosesu tuir fali birokrasia normal, iha altura Sekretariu Jeral Ministeriu Negosios Estrangeiros João Camra nia mak halo proposta ida ba vice Ministru Negosios Estrangeiros, tanba tempu ne’eba nia laiha ne’eba i Minitru interina Negosiu Estrangeiros nia mak fo aprovasaun konkordansia, tanba nia mos iha kualifikasaun professional.

“Ne’ebe akuzasaun balun hau rona bebeik dehan illegal-ilegal, laiha ilegalidade maibe buat ne’e direitu internasional, tanba ita mos iha pratika Timor leste, ema balun estranjeirus laos pais CPLP nian mos sai embaixador ne’ebe funsaun as ne’e bele I nusa mak sira mai iha kraik ne’e labele,”katak Jose Luis.

Jose Luis afirma, ninia prezensa iha tribunal ho konsensia trankuila katak, laiha KKN, laiha korupsaun, laiha konklui para erikisementu elisitu.

“Balun koalia US$3 miloens, 3 mil no 30 mil, favor, iha Governu ne’e atu asai osan ida deit sei liu prosesu barak, birokrasia iha ministeriu Nergosio Estrangeiros, Ministeriu Finansas, Banku Autoridade de Pagamentu, ne’ebe la’os fasil ita atu fo osan hanesan ne’e, US$2800 fulan ida, iha Nova Yorke US$2800 la to’o atu selu apartemen ida para ema hela, ne’e la to’o, tanba ne’e mak iha subsidiu,”katak Jose Luis.

Nia hateten nia rona bebeik dala barak durante tinan 3 ona, maibe nia dehan, sidadaun hotu-hotu Timor Leste tenki tuir lei, i interpretasaun lei ne’e mak nia mai Tribunal Distrital Dili atu rona juis sira atu tesi lia, para lialos hotu-hotu bele hare no simu.

Jose Luis koalia, iha Timor Leste, ema tomak husi Presidente Republika to’o sidadaun ida kualker, hotu-hotu tenki kumpri lei, laiha sidadaun Timor ida as liu konstituisaun da Republika no lei iha Timor Leste.

“Asuntu ne’e kleur ona, hahu deklarasaun politika ida mai husi Bancada FRETILIN, liu husi Prokuradoria i ohin loron tama iha Tribunal Distrital Dili, hau mai ho respeita teb-tebes ba instituisoens Timor Leste nian, tanba objetivus politikus tempu uluk kedas hau hakarak ba rai ida ne’e, kria sistema ida, ke ema tomak no Timor oan tomak bele senti katak, sira ne’e tratadu igual no hanesan no laiha ema ida as liu lei,”katak Jose Luis.

Jose Luis hateten, nia laran solok iha Tribunal Distrital Dili, tur iha Banku reios nian para rona akuzasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku nomos desizaun ne’ebe husi meritesimus Juis sira, maibe ohin (horsehik) arguida ida seidauk notifikada i tanba mos nia hanesan membru Governu, meritesimus Juiz sira hanoin katak, sira labele julga membru Governu.

“Tamba ne’e, sira mos haruka karta ba iha Primeiru Ministru no Parlamento Nasional, atu deside saida los maka atu halo inrelasaun ho membru Govermu ida, iha hanoin oi-oin, ne’ebe hau hanesan ema ida ke’e ohin loron tur iha membru governu, kontinua disponivel nafatin saida deit maka Parlamento Nasional deside suspende atu mai Tribunal, ne’e knar Parlamentu Nasional,”haklaken Vice PM Jose Luis.

Konaba Imunidade
Kona ba imunidade, Jose Luis hateten, ne’e kompetensia Parlamentu Nasional, maibe ida ne’e foin dala ida, horiuluk ne’e, iha Primeiru Governu konstitusional, iha ona membru governu ida akuzadu omesidiu, nia mai ona Tribunal i laiha prosesu iha altura ne’eba konaba suspensaun ou lasuspensaun, maibe juiz sira iha direitu iha kualker altura deside hodi hateten, saida mak los no saida mak lalos.

“Ne’eduni, Juis sira hateten, desizaun los liu mak sira labele julga membru governu, ne’ebe ita husu ba Parlamentu Nasional deside iha tempo oportunu i sesaun ida markadu tiha ona ba iha dia 11-14 abril 2011, ne’ebe hau hakarak kopera nafatin ho justisa,”koalia Jose Luis.

Ba kazu Jose Luis ne’ebe tribunal distrital Dili ajenda fali julgamentu ba iha dia 11-14 Abril tinan ne’, tanba seidauk hetan suspensaun, Advogado Sergio Hornai ba Vice Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres hasoru Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional Fernando Lasama de Araujo iha Parlamentu, hafoin akompanha nia kliente ba Tribunal Distrital dili iha horsehik.

“Hasoru malu ho Presidente Parlamentu nasional, hakarak fo hanoin ruma ba Presidente PN konaba suspensaun ninian, tanba ne’e, Presidente parlamentu Nasional konvida hau mai ho kolega advogado sira atu mai fo hatene deit informasaun ba Presidente Parlamentu Nasional,”koalia Segio Hornai.

Nia afirma, iha konstituisaun Republika, konaba membru governu ruma ne’ebe hetan akuzasaun, oinsa Parlamentu Nasional atu hare sira ninia suspensaun no sira nia imunidade ne’e.
“Ami mai informa deit ba Presidente Parlamentu Nasional i nufim sira mak sei deside konaba imunidade ne’e rasik, maibe ita akompanha iha Tribunal katak, Tribunal husu atu suspensaun, tanba sira labele julga membru governu ruma, ne’e duni hau so mai aprejenta deit ba iha Presidente PN kona ba informasaun balun ne’ebe mak ita nia presidente PN presiza i karik nia mos bele hato’o ba Xefi Bancada sira iha Parlamentu ninian, atu bele hola konsiderasaun ba iha Tribunal Dili,”dehan Sergio Hornai.

PN sei suspende iha oportunidade ne’e, Presidente PN Fernando Lasama de Araujo hateten, nia rona ona situasaun ne’e i nia mos baisa tiha ona karta husi Tribunal ba iha komisaun I, se Tribunal Distrital Dili ninian ne’e mos fo ona seguransa ba Presidente PN atu prosesa levantamentu imunidade ba membru governu sira.

“Hau hein hela komisaun I bainhira hato’o sira nia relatoriu pareser mai iha plenaria i depois ami sei deskute,”koalia Lasama, Entertantu bainhira jornalista ne’e tenta atu halo intervista ho Vice Presidente komisaun I ba asuntu regulasaun interna, etika no mandatus deputadu iha PN, deputadu Jacob Xavier ne’ebe simu despaixu husi meja PN kona ba kazu vice PM Jose Luis Guterres ninian hodi sira halo pareser ba meja Parlamentu Nasional, maibe deputadu ne’e la fo nia komentariu, tanba kondisaun saude la primie.

HUSI SORIN SELUK, deputadu FRETILIN, Francisco Jeronimo hateten, hotu-hotu hare ba kompetensia ida-idak ninian ne’ebe estabelese ona iha konstituisaun laran.

“Ne’ebe ita hare, se tribunal husu ona tenki fila fali mai Parlamentu Nasional, entaun Parlamentu Nasional hare fila fali lai, los duni ka lae, atu hola desizaun sira, tanba buat ne’ebe akontese mak vice PM ba ona tribunal,”koalia deputado Francisco, nia sublinha, se iha tribunal husu atu PN hare kona ba imunidade, entaun fila fali mai PN atu hare tok los ka lae, para atu hola desizaun ruma, par abele lao tuir ida-idak nia kompetensia, se lae halo arbiru deit, ne’e ladun diak.das

“Julgamentu VPM Adia Ba Abril”

Jornal Nacional Diário - Kinta, 03 Marsu 2011

Dili-“Tribunal Distrital Dili. Terca, (2/3) adia julgamentu kazu indikasaun korupsaun Vice Primeiru Ministru, Jose Luis Guterres ba loron 11-14 Abril tinan ne’e. tanba arguidu ne’ebe nudar espoza VPM seidauk notifika no VPM rasik seidauk hetan suspensaun husi nia kargu.

Kazu refere, rezistu iha Tribunal ho numeru Prosesu 266/C.ord/2010 ne’ebe kaer husi Juis kolektivo Dr. Joao Ribeiro, Dr. Joao Velgar no Dr. Alvaro Maia Freitas, prokurador kolektivo Dr. Aderito Tilman no Dr.Carlos Venecios no defeza kolektivo Sergio Hornai, Cancio Xavier, Cerelio no Jose Pedro Camoes.

Tribunal deklara katak, tuir lei tribunal seidauk bele halao julgamentu ba kazu indikasaun korupsaun VPM, Jose Luis Guterres nian, tanba arguidu Ana Maria Valerio nudar espoza VPM seidauk notifikasaun no Jose Luis Guterres ne’ebe sai arguiduba kazu ne’e seidauk suspensaun ba nia kargu nudar Vice PM nune’e adia fila fali ba loron seluk.

“Ami seidauk bele julga kazu ne’e tamba ami seidauk karta suspensaun VPM husi Parlamentu Nasional no seidauk notifika ninia espoza, tanba tuir lei tribunal labele julga membru governu ida ne’ebe sidauk suspende husi nia kargu no residensia arguida Ana Maria,”hateten Presidente de Juis Joao Ribeiro iha sala de audensia.

Antes ne’e tribunal haruka ona karta notifikasaun ba VPM iha loron 23 Dezembru tinan 2010 no ba PN iha loron 8 Fevereiru tinan 2011, maibe to’o agora tribunal seidauk hetan karta suspensaun husi PN rasik.

Tanba ne’e Tribunal mos deklara katak, iha loron ne’ebe deside ona mak arguidu la marka prezensa bele halo separasaun prosesu mais tribunal mos fo posiblidade atu arguidu mai volontariamente ou hato’o karta ba defeza sai reprezenta arguida nian iha Tribunal.

Tuir parte Ministeriu Publiku konkorda katak, bainhira iha loron ne’ebe determinadu ona husi tribunal mak arguidu la marka perzensa bele halo separasaun prosesu tuir artigu 25 kodigu prosesu penal Timor leste, kazu refere, Ministeriu Publiku akuza ho artigu 301 konaba agravasaun no artigu 302 kona ba konseitu funsionariu iha kodiku penal Timor Leste no Undang-undang Indonesia nian numeru 31/1999 capitulu I no II konaba kombate korupsaun.

Tantu husi defeza arguidu Jose Luis Guterres hateten katak, arguidu sira senti desponivel atu bele kopera ho autoridade judisario iha inisio to’o ate presente data sempre kolabora sira la goja sira nia imunidade mas sira mai hanesan sidadaun ne’ebe hakarak kolabora ho Justisa.

“Arguidu sira ne’e mai presta sira nia deklarasaun tanba sira hakarak husi verdadeiro iha tribunal ne’e duni ami nia kliente Jose Luis Guterres nudar arguidu nia la goza I nia la fo importansia ba imunidade, maibe ohin nia hatudu momos katak, nia hakarak kopera ho tribunal ida ne’e atu buka verdadeiru ba justisa,”deklara defeza Sergio Ornai.

IHA FATIN HANESAN, Arguido Joao Camra hatete, nia parte sei kolabora ho parte justisa nian iha momentu ne’ebe deit.

“Ho adiamentu ne’e lahalo ami triste tanba ami kolabora ho justisa atu hadia to’o ne’ebe deit ami sempre tuir dalan tribunal nian tamba ami buka justisa,”hateten Joao Camra.

Antes ne’e tribunal liu husi Joao Ribeiro fo livre Ministeriu Negosiu Estranzeiru Zacarias Albano da Costa, tanba faktus ne’ebe aprejenta husi PM la forte no tuir informasaun katak, Ministru Zacarias Albano da Costa sai sasin ba kazu refere, partisipa husi julgamentu ne’e mak membru PN, membru do Governu, sosiedade sivil, membru komisaun funsaun publiku, emprejariu no staf gabinete Vice Primeiru Ministru.nty

Into Whose Hands is the Money Going?

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Second HL's English Translation No.6-Year V-201 

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 18.02.2011

As during the Indonesian times, those who govern always have more opportunity. Just as has occurred during previous and the current AMP governments.

Currently, many of us can find out who can get and implement many of the contracts for government projects.  Automatically those with links to the previous government are not benefitting as much as in the past.

Just like the Minister for Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI), Gil Alves.  During Indonesian times, Gil Alves got many contracts for projects from the Indonesian Government.  Especially when his brother in law Abílio José Osório Soares was still Governor of Timor Timur.

It is known that at first the Prime Minister held a meeting with the veterans of the national resistance so that the government contracts for the importation of rice would be handed over to them, so that veterans could also obtain a small benefit from government contracts.  However, when this reached the implementation stage the process became a matter of disagreement.  The Prime Minister approved and signed off on a list of altogether 30 or so persons who would have the right to import rice for the government.

As soon as the process got into the hands of the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI), the list of companies more than doubled, to a total of 68. What is stranger is that those who ended up being listed are not veterans of the resistance at all, but it is suspected they are actually pro-Indonesia integrationist veterans, have family relationship with MTCI civil servants and are relatives of the Minister himself. 

Family Network

Manuela Lemos Osório Soares from Gracia Shop.  According to Tempo Semanal’s sources, this business has family links with Minister Gil Alves.  The lady who is the principal of the business is the Goddaughter of Minister Gil Alves’s brother in law, Abílio Osório Soares (the former governor of Timor Timur).

Fernando Lay form the company Lay Unipessoal, Lda.  He is the Minister’s brother in law.  He is also the former driver for Minister Gil Alves.  Fernando Lay is currently in Becora Jail for crimes he was involved with since November 2010.  The question that arises is how a director of a company who is serving time in jail can still be involved in government rice importation contracts, and can still have the opportunity to access MTCI’s contracts.
The Company Fitun Maubara, belonging to Lai Quait Nhuc, which according to Tempo Semanal’s sources, has already got government contracts to import rice in 2009.  But, in 2010 they got another opportunity from the government to import rice together with the veterans.  The owner of this company is from Liquica district, sub-district of Maubara, and is suspected of having family links with Minister Gil Alves who is also from Chinese descent from Maubara.

It is also suspected that Gil Alves’ niece also had the opportunity to “sit” together with veterans to get a government contract to import rice.
Also suspected of being jammed into the rice supply process is Bader Alkatiri.  However, when we confirmed with Bader Alkatiri, he said that he had been approved by PM Xanana himself, having been permitted to act on behalf of his brother Ali Alkatiri who is a veteran.

Despite this fact, Bader is also a good friend of Minister Gil Alves from Indonesian times.  Prior to being included on the veterans’ list to import rice, Bader Alkatiri met frequently with Minister Gil Alves. 

Another name that was suddenly included on the list of persons to be granted contracts to supply rice was that of António Correia.  According to Tempo Semanal’s sources, António also met frequently with Minister Gil Alves in his Office. 
Another company, which has family links with MTCI civil servants, is one named Carisma Unip, Lda.  According to information obtained by this newspaper, a director of the company named João de Fátima Araújo da Silva has family links with MTCI Director General, Georgina Corte-Real.  

Another company that has links with “people inside” is that belonging to José Manuel Smith’s company Kakuit Jaya Supply.  He is the husband of the Inspector General for Food Security and Finance in MTCI.
Another company, Jody Unip, Lda belonging to João Daniel Soares Baptista (the son of the former Viqueque district secretary, Daniel Soares Baptista).  Daniel Baptista which on current information lives in Kupang, Indonésia, is well known from the time during the Indonesian occupation as having attempted to kill Bishop Dom Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, by poison in a cake he brought as a present for him.  He failed when the Bishop’s dog died instead after the whole cake was fed to the dog instead, which dog died immediately.

This newspaper also contacted other Chinese businessmen who were included in the list of those to be given contracts to supply rice, like Siu Kion Lau from the company Natural Food Supply Unip, Lda.  He says that he was backed up by a veteran named Miguel “Naha-Dasi”.  However, some of Tempo Semanal’s sources who are Falintil-FDTL veterans have informed us that Miguel “Naha-Dasi” had once been a combatant in the jungles, but had surrendered and was involved with the SERA militia group that was formed by the Indonesian Army’s Kopassus in Baucau district. 

During his involvement with SERA, Miguel “Naha-Dasi” together with other militia was involved in campaigns that involve the killing of FALINTIL soldiers in the jungles.  For this, the veterans do not acknowledge Naha-Dasi as a veteran.  Because of this they say he is not entitled to represent himself as a veteran to import rice.

This is not all, Miguel “Naha-Dasi” is also behind two other companies importing rice, Natural Food Supply Unip, Lda and Bemvindo Timor Unip, Lda.

Persons who are currently serving civil servants own some businesses that are involved in the rice importation process. According to our information Jorge Oliveira Martins from the company Egana Food Unip, Lda, is currently the Chief of Staff of the Secretary of State for the Autonomous Region of Oecussi, although of late he has not turned up for work.  This newspaper confirmed with the Secretary of State for the Region of Oecussi, Jorge Teme confirmed that Jorge Oliveira Martins is still employed in his Office. 

The result has been that despite the Prime Minister recommending 30 or so veterans, more than half of the US$17,000,000 allocated to MTCI to buy rice, has fallen into the hands of people who are not veterans.  It is also suspected that Money has also gone into the pockets of people who are either friends or are family of the Minister and civil servants in the MTCI.

Bank Accounts Blocked

According to Purchase Orders emitted by the government for contracts to import rice, each company should receive US$249,000 (for importing 441 tons of rice each) from the total of US$17,500,000, with the 68 companies together importing a total of 30,000 tons of rice.  MTCI also paid US$500,000 in a tender for the stevedoring company to handle the importation at the port of entry. 

From the total of US$17,000,000 for the acquisition of rice, US$14,000,000 worth was committed on the acquisition and importation of 30,000.  The remainder of the budget would be divided between the companies into each of their accounts to pay the bank for the costs incurred with the Letters of Credit.  According to our calculation, this would mean US$30,000 per company.
This whole process has caused Great controversy.  Some have questioned why non-veterans were given contracts, and others questioned non-veterans who used the names of veterans to acquire contracts, but the benefits of which have all gone to the non-veterans. 

According to our investigations the list of those who used the names of veterans, include Egana Food Unip, Lda that used Mau-Hunu Rankadalak’s name.  However, the director of the company Egas Guterres da Silva has lost contact with the veteran concerned.  Tempo Semanal tried to contact Egas Guterres da Silva by telephone from the list of 68 companies obtained by us, but found the telephone number listed therein as being deactivated.
The veteran concerned has asked that the government take swift measures to ensure that the Money transferred pursuant to this transaction is not retained by the director of the company concerned instead of being paid to the designated veteran whose name was used to acquire the contract to begin with.

“It is the director of the company who has control of the bank account as it is opened in his or her company’s name, so if the Money is transferred into the account by the government, then we are concerned that they will take the Money and run and do not share it with us as intended” said Sansao, the director of the company Bele-Bele Unipessoal, Lda and the coordinator of the team that was entrusted by the 68 companies with negotiating with Vietnamese suppliers to import to rice into Timor-Leste.

According to Sansao, he has already discussed the issue with the Director General of MTCI and Bank Mandiri.  Bank Mandiri has already decided that it will block the money in the respective accounts of the companies with the bank.  When the whole process has finished and payment is pending, they will hold a general meeting with MTCI, Bank Mandiri and the companies to seek full clarification of the issues prior to making payment to the accounts. TS


English Translation No.6-Year V-2011 

Tempo Semanal-Dili, 18.02.2011

Prime Minister’s authorization to 30 or so Veterans is considered unimportant. MTCI moves ahead in authorizing 68 companies to import rice from Vietnam
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao was astounded. He had the list of veterans of the resistance before him, reading each page of the document.  Xanana also thoroughly questioned the veterans who had met with him.  This included Jose “Fo-Laran” da Silva, the CNRT coordinator for the Autonomous Region.
Rice has become a problem. But the problem is not the rising price of rice in the market.  It is however problem because of the involvement of veterans in the rice importation process.  Because of this Jose “Fo-Laran” da Silva together with some other veterans, complained to PM Xanana as the big brother of the veterans.
This issue started in the middle of August 2010.  At that time, PM Xanana, decided on the policy of handing over trust for importing rice from Vietnam to the veterans of the resistance.  Thirty or so veterans were recommended directly by the PM for this.  However, in the end, all manner of companies, which are suspected of having family links with those who work in the MTCI also appeared on the list of recommended companies.  Because of this the final list for companies authorized to import rice increased to 68 companies in total.
“At the time the Prime Minister authorized in writing for only thirty companies, to be recommended to MTCI,” said Jose “Fo-Laran” to Tempo Semanal, Friday (11/02/2011) in Bidau, Dili.  Fo-Laran was the veteran who provided the recommended list of veterans to PM Xanana for his authorization.  According to Fo-Laran, this number suddenly increased steeply.  He became suspicious.  Many of these companies that were now included on the list of authorized importers, were owned by persons who had not participated in the resistance struggle. It included some Chinese businesspersons.

Upon the MTCI list being made public, Fo-Laran verified with the Prime Minister the number of veterans who had been recommended.  “The Prime Minister was surprised.  Because the number of companies on the MTCI list had increased sharply and not in accordance with the PM’s recommendations,” said Fo-Laran.

He and his veteran colleagues also asked MTCI to show to them the Prime Minister’s despatch for the 68 companies.  However, MTCI refused to disclose it to them, because they had the Minister’s instructions that veterans who did not have registered companies could enter into joint ventures with other businesspersons in order to gain access to the rice importation projects. 

Jorge Alves “Wemori”, a veteran who is involved with the company Bele-Bele told Tempo Semanal that he obtained a recommendation from the Prime Minister, but concedes that the information provided by the veterans as to the number of companies authorized by the PM is correct.

According to Wemori, those who got recommendations directly from the Prime Minister numbered about 20 or so. But, during a meeting with the Minister for Tourism, Commerce and Industry, Gil Alves on 3 June 2010, a total of 62 companies were included on the MTCI’s list of companies authorized to import rice from Vietnam.
“Wemori” accepts that many of the companies on the MTCI list are not ones operated by veterans, nor did they have the Prime Minister’s recommendation.  More so the veterans believed that list of 62 presented by MTCI was the final and complete list.  However, as has turned out this list was again increased. 

Bader Alkatiri from the company Cavalo Bravo Unip, Lda, who is also on the list to import rice, says that at the meeting 60 companies were identified, but that he does not know how or why the list increased. 

Bader Alkatiri also said that 60 were the total number on the Prime Minister’s list of recommended companies. These companies had already participated in a meeting with Minister Gil Alves at the Old Market site.  “This list of 60 companies, was sent by MTCI to the Prime Minister for authorization. My company also made it on the list of 60 approved by the Prime Minister,” Bader pointed out.

The director of the company Bele-Bele, Sansao Gomes who was trusted to negotiate with the Vietnamese exporters, said that he was informed in a meeting with Minister Gil Alves that all 68 companies on the list were recommended by the Prime Minister.  “But subsequent information I heard is that there was also a despatch from MTCI and the deputy PM, and I am a little surprised with this,” said Gomes.  

There is also information from some that problems arose during the meeting with Minister Gil Alves because of the sudden increase of the companies on the list.

Fourteen of the companies on the list contacted by Tempo Semanal, only two had obtained a recommendation from the Prime Minister.  They say they work in collaboration with veterans.  However the remainder of the companies did not obtain recommendations from the Prime Minister. 

Minister Gil Alves himself also issued recommendations for companies.  According to him, recommendations did not just come from the Prime Minister, but some come from the deputy prime minister as well as the Secretary of State for Veterans Affairs.

No Priority for Veterans
The project for the importation of 30,000 tons of rice, with a budget allocation of US$17,500,000 allocated to MTCI for the 2010 fiscal year, was intended to give priority for veterans so as that veterans could also get a small benefit. However, when this process passed to the hands of the MTCI, it went in a different direction.  MTCI opened it up for opportunity to all national companies.  It did not look to see whether they were veterans or not.
The director general of MTCI, Georgina Corte Real said that this project did not give any priority to veterans.  All national companies who met the criteria could submit to the process.
“We considered all national Timor-Leste companies. The word veteran does not exist in this process.  We just want to say that all national Timorese companies in whom MTCI has confidence and who meet the procurement criteria will be awarded contracts by MTCI,” said the Director confidently.  

According to Bader Alkatiri, at the first meeting with Gil Alves at the Old Market site, he also said that, this is a project for the veterans, but the path is not closed for other companies who want to come into it.  “Individual businesses can come forward alone, not needing the backup of the veterans,” Bader pointed out following the Minister Gil Alves’ words.

When Tempo Semanal sought confirmation of this directly from Minister Gil Alves, he tried to cover up holes in the story and defend himself.  He said MTCI gave superior attention to the veterans. Because of this priority was in fact given to veterans who were recommended by the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Veterans Affairs.
Despite this Jose “Fo-Laran” da Silva asked the Minister and Director General of MTCI to be a little more honest. This project was allocated for veterans, not for national companies or businesses, and it was for this reason that it did not go through a normal tender process.  Because of this, he has asked MTCI not to manipulate this process. “These people who occupy these positions instead of serving the people they are suppose to serve, they have served their own families and friends,” Fo-Laran accused. TS